Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

wife won't sign waiver

My wife won't sign the waiver for our divorce or even contact me at all. What are my options to complete my divorce without her signing the waiver.

Asked on 3/02/03, 1:14 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Basil Hoyl Law office of Basil Hoyl

Re: wife won't sign waiver

Have you also prepared a decree so she knows what she will be getting when she signs the waiver???!!! Is she still at the same address or did she move without receiving the waiver?

If she received the waiver and has seen the proposed decree and you can still not communicate, and assuming that she wants the divorce (if there are children and you are taking them, that can be a reason she might not be signing) and the associated rights and duties, then you can proceed with having her served with a petition for divorce. You might be able to obtain a divorce by default, or you might have to negotiate. It seems that you are likely to require the services of an attorney. My office is in Bedford, on the Airport Freeway at 157.

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Answered on 3/03/03, 1:18 pm
Paul T. Hebda, Ph.D., J.D. The Hebda Law Firm

Re: wife won't sign waiver

Without the waiver, and I assume you are talking about the waiver of service, you will need to go through the procedural processes of serving her formally, setting the divorce for hearing with proper notice, etc. If you are doing this pro se as it appears from your question, you might want to consider obtaining the services of an attorney since it appears the divorce is not going to be cooperative.

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Answered on 3/02/03, 11:10 am

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