Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

I work a full time job and pay my child support and medical insurance through that job. About a month ago i started a part time job i make 7.00 hrly and work about 25 hrs a week. On Saturday I got two letters in the mail form the attorny general stating that they have issued an order to the company i have my part time job with telling them to deduct child support and medical insurance from that check as well. I am not behind on any of my payments. Can they do this?

Asked on 8/29/10, 8:58 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark Dunn Mark D. Dunn

They can, but they shouldn't.

Unfortunately, your only remedies are:

1. Get the AG to withdraw the withholding order on your part-time job. Start by writing them a letter, and then follow up with phone calls. Good luck.

2. The other way is to go to Court and ask a Judge to ORDER them not to double-dip.

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Answered on 9/03/10, 10:20 am

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