Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Texas

Private School-Small Claims Court

I withdrew my children from a private school, along with the rest of their class. The 'pastor' said he will reimburse certain fees, which he didn't, and I have filed in small claims court. On the citation I only listed his first and last name and the address of the school, where he was served, I did not write 'Pastor' next to his name, only listed his business/employer name and address of that of the school. I received his response stating that since I am suing him personally, instead of him as a pastor (and his school) he wants the case dismissed. On his website there is a picture of him and underneath it, it says 'Pastor'( no name, just pastor). In the paragraph next to the picture, it talks about him and his wife being married and in business, four children, the lord led them to opening a school. There is no mention of him being a pastor except the word pastor underneath his name. I have one correspondence from him with just his name.

Since he and his wife run this, would it matter to clarify his title?

I would like to know if I should dismiss this case and file a new one with 'Pastor' after his name, or continue on with this one as is.



Asked on 4/19/06, 6:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter Bradie Bradie, Bradie & Bradie

Re: Private School-Small Claims Court

Continue as you are. He's running a business and welching on a promise to pay. He doesn't have immunity from suit because he believes he's one of G_D's chosen. "Pastor" is a title; no more than that.

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Answered on 4/20/06, 11:27 am

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