Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Texas

Retaining security deposit in bad faith

My land lord gave a list of deductions not specific at all and for more than half the rent stated $416 for cleaning of very dirty house as the description with no kind of detailed break down of how that dollar amount was determined is this concidered acting out of bad faith on the landlords part by not providing a detailed and the ones the items that are decribed some are false and unreasonable

Asked on 12/04/08, 1:54 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Kinsel Law Offices of Scott C. Kinsel, P.C.

Re: Retaining security deposit in bad faith

You are well within your rights to ask for an itemized list. In Texas, the landlord cannot penalize you for ordinary wear.


Scott C. Kinsel | |

[email protected]

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Answered on 12/04/08, 7:26 am

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