Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Texas

Can a teacher sue a parent for libel after the parent has written a letter to the teacher's principal making false claims about the teacher that could damage the reputation of said teacher?

Asked on 1/15/10, 10:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ken Gober (Austin TX) Lee, Gober & Reyna

Yes a teacher could sue. But winning may be a different matter, if the parent acted reasonably and had a reason to believe what they said, they the teacher probably wouldn't win the case. Also remember that the "damages" must be enough so that the time and expense of trial make it worth pursuing.

You should consult an attorney with the specific facts of the case to get a more in-depth analysis of these issues.

Good Luck!

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Answered on 1/22/10, 10:44 pm

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