Legal Question in Immigration Law in Texas
I am a teacher holding an H1B visa. I want to plublish in magazines and am writing a young adult novel. How can I sell these without risking my legal status? Is there a way to sell my works as a Mexican national, not using my h1b social security number? I know I can only use that number to work with the district that sponsored me. So can I get published here? If this not strictly immigration, please tell me what kind of lawyer I need to contact.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Yours is a very sophisticated question. Either your writing must come within the H-1 category, which might be possible, or you must change status. You may not hold two statuses at the same time. There is guidance in the Foreign Affairs Manual of the State Dept. which discusses B-1 in lieu of H-1. B-1 also permits certain artistic endeavors - creation of art but not selling it here. If your writing won't be paid and is an adjunct to your teaching, or if it is related to your teaching and you will be paid, then there could be a way of negotiating that endeavor possibly with your current employer perhaps with a contract between the school and your publisher. These are some simple creative thoughts which would really require more attention in order to best guide you.
Feel free to contact me at 818 609 1953 or
Alice Yardum-Hunter, Certified Specialist, Immigration & Nationality Law, State Bar of CA
Designated "Super Lawyer", "Los Angeles Magazine", 2004-2009
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