Legal Question in Employment Law in Texas

My friends job has accused him of stealing from one of his customers. He did not do this! If they fire him is he able to sue for slander? Can he bring an attorney to the next meeting with his HR Director? Can he demand a polygraph test?

Asked on 6/23/11, 5:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark Dunn Mark D. Dunn

I don't think you understand what slander is.

Slander is damage to one's reputation. If I tell your friends that you're a thief (and in fact you aren't), that's slander. If I accuse YOU (to your face) of theft, that isn't slander.

He can try to bring an attorney anywhere he wants. HR might refuse to meet with him if he has an attorney.

He can get polygraphed any time he wants to; he just hires a polygraph examiner and sits down in the chair.

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Answered on 6/24/11, 3:11 pm

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