Legal Question in Employment Law in Texas
I worked for Burger King last year and they accused me of stealling and said they had the tape to prove it. The tape showed nothing but they still fired me. What can I do?
1 Answer from Attorneys
There's nothing you can do, except make sure you don't buy any more of their hamburgers (the loudest sound in the world is that of a cash register not opening).
In Texas, you can be fired for any reason or for no reason. As long as it's not related to religion, gender, race, age, or national origin, it's legal for them to fire you. You can get fired because the boss didn't like the color of the shirt you were wearing that day.
And it works both ways. If you fail to show up for work on an especially important day (celebrities are coming, or there's a big party), your boss can't sue YOU, even though your absence from work (or your "quitting" suddenly) put him in a huge bind.
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