Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Texas
Notice to Vacate
I recieved a Notice to vacate for non-payment of rent and late fees. The rent has been late ONE time before and this time. The rent is due on the third, the notice was left on the 6th and it says I am to vacate by midnight of the 8th. Are they allowed to give me 4 days? my rent was 2 days late....
Asked on 4/06/07, 3:40 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Sharon Campbell
Sharon K. Campbell
Re: Notice to Vacate
If rent is due on the 3rd and not paid on the 3rd, you have breached the lease so, yes, they may evict you. The general on notices to vacate is 3 days unless the lease says differently. However, you are not evicted until the judge says you are evicted. If you move out now, you will be breaking the lease.
Answered on 4/06/07, 3:46 pm