Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Texas

Room Rental

We have had a family fued and my mother lives with my nephew and pays rent for her room. My newphew says I cannot come & see my mother. Can he legally stop me from seeing her. To visit with her I can go in her own private door. They have no legal documents reflecting the rental.

Asked on 8/17/06, 10:38 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: Room Rental

She is a month-to-month tenant, with the rights of a tenant. She is entitled to guests of her choosing in her room. This would be easier to prove if she had a lease, and if she had documented proof of rental payments.

That said, you are inviting trouble for everyone if you push this issue. If the nephew gets mad enough, he can give her 30 days notice and evict her. These situations have also been known to escalate into violence. It would make more sense to just invite your mom to visit you at your house or a restaurant or a friend's house.

It isn't worth it, just to prove a point.

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Answered on 8/18/06, 10:49 am

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