Legal Question in Personal Injury in Texas

hi...i was in a wreck last october 2008 the ...driver that hit me was at fault and totalled both my car and his i hired a trial lawyer but i never spoke with him once he had me go to the chiropractor for about 3 1/2 mths i was told when i was released my file was going to be sent to progressive insurance and they ahd 30 days to respond with an offer and if they did not respond my lawyer was going to file a suit and take the insurance company to court ...well i never heard from my lawyer and i moved from texas to north carolina i just got a packet in the mail telling me after reviewing my file they were not going to be able to process my case and they sent me my file and advised me to get another lawyer and that i have 2 years to process my case i dont know what to do now

Asked on 10/22/09, 6:07 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

You can hire a new lawyer remotely. Anyone licensed in Texas should be able to assist you. If you want, I can take a look at it.

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Answered on 10/27/09, 6:22 pm
Jeffrey Brashear The Brashear Law Firm, PLLC

Based on what you have written, you case sounds very familiar of how some personal injury firms work. You need to remember that you have a statute of limitations of how long you may file your case. You should consider contacting a law firm to fully discuss your options. If my law firm can assist you with this legal issue or any other legal matter, please contact us at to arrange for an initial consultation.

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Answered on 10/27/09, 6:22 pm
Jason Kipness Kipness Law Firm

You need to contact a Texas personal injury lawyer to take over your case.

You need to do this ASAP because a lawsuit must be filed two years from the date of your accident.

For free Texas car accident information, please visit



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Answered on 10/28/09, 10:39 am
Dan Street Street Law Firm

It makes me physically ill to hear how incompetent and, in fact, downright sleazy so many lawyers handling personal injury cases in Texas really are. Unfortunately, the story you have recounted seems to be far too prevalent. I'll bet if we dug deeper we'd also find that this attorney solicited your case, too, probably through the use of a "runner." Attorneys who practice this way should be DISBARRED, in my opinion, without any further discussion. I encourage you to file a grievance against this attorney with the State Bar of Texas Grievance Committee. You may reach them toll-free at 1-800-932-1900.

In the meantime, I reiterate what the other attorneys have said about the urgency of retaining a new attorney as soon as possible. Your case must either be settled or a lawsuit filed within two years of the date of your accident or your claim will be barred forever by the statute of limitations.

Good luck to you, and please accept my sincere apologies for the shabby way you were treated by this so-called attorney.

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Answered on 10/28/09, 8:40 pm

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