Legal Question in Personal Injury in Texas
thrown from car and pregnant
Our daughter in a car with boyfriend and also pregnant was thrown from the truck was force to deliver her baby a month early she has a broken neck cannot walk and need extensive therapy. Apparently the boyfriend was avoiding an incoming vehicle swerve and flip several time he did not have one scratch on him he is 33 and she is 24 he also told the police officer that she was driving which she was not. He told us his insurance was progressive but they claim not with them. Meanwhile she has no insurance has been in the hospital for several weeks and now they want to put her in a nursing home to finish recovering she needs extensive therapy while we are applying for ss and medicade it will still not cover the cost of real care and therapy. Her boyfriend is not allowed to visit he was also a vet va insurance but never put her on even though they were common law married. please advise.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: thrown from car and pregnant
i am very sorry for this terrible accident. it would be very difficult to advise you as to what to do in the context of this forum. it is imperative that you consult a board certified personal injury attorney as soon as possible.
there are several items of investigation that need to be pursued.
please feel free to direct any more questions to this forum or me at