Legal Question in Personal Injury in Texas

Walking across behind a t-box on a public golf course, I stepped in to a hole (missing sprinkler head or missing cap from in ground sprinker control box) and "twisted" my ankle. Friends were with me on the course before and after the accident but did not see me fall. The results is that x-rays revealed a broken ankle which is necessitating being in a cast for a month and walking cast for some additional time. I have full coverage medical insurance and am retired.

Obvious the event was painful and continues to be to some extent. However it is the incapacitation from activities that are the most frustrating. Extended golf trip for the following week and tickets to Honduras in about 21 days.

Recognizing that planiff attorneys are expensive, does it make sense to hire one to pursue my interest or any suggestions or existing research on what type of settlement I should expect.


Asked on 10/17/10, 2:51 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Dan Kirby Law Office of Dan Kirby

You could have a good case. You would have to prove the missing cap was known by or should have been known by the golf course people in charge. In other words, could anyone simply have removed it and the golf course may not know about it? If you can show that, then I think you could prove a premises defect. A lawyer like myself would charge a contingency fee, meaning you don't pay anything up front. If the case settles, then you would pay a % from the proceeds. Usually 33% or so. You are welcome to email me at [email protected] for more information.

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Answered on 10/22/10, 3:02 pm
Ken Gober (Austin TX) Lee, Gober & Reyna

I am a Premises Liability Attorney in Texas representing plaintiffs in cases like yours.

Feel free to call me. Most plaintiff's lawyers work on a contingency fee meaning we don't get paid unless we recover for you.

I am happy to discuss your case with you. Call 512-827-7548 (8AM to 11PM - 7 days a week to consult about your case).

Good Luck!

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Answered on 10/22/10, 3:06 pm
Donald McLeaish McLeaish&Associates;, P.C.

Most plaintiff's attorneys would want to know if you have a case..and you may. Call me or one of the others in your area..and none charge for a consultation ...Now expensive is when you want to sue for a debt or for divorce..and even those lawyers normally charge nothing to consult.good us if you wish

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Answered on 10/22/10, 3:26 pm

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