Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Texas

we bought a house....

in 8/2007, we bought a house and the previous owners disconnected all utilities except for the gas. we were completely in the dark since we had contacted the electric company and informed them that we needed both services. now the previous owners are demanding that we repay them for the gas service that i feel they should have disconnected. please advise

Asked on 1/27/09, 11:22 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Cheryl Rivera Smith The Smith Law Firm

Re: we bought a house....

You used the gas, didn't you? Pay them. Using something that isn't yours without consent is theft. FYI, gas companies often don't turn off the gas because it requires someone to be present to light pilots at the re-connect. You should have done your homework and contracted for gas service.

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Answered on 1/28/09, 7:58 am
David Leon David L. Leon, P.C.

Re: we bought a house....

You may consider contacting the gas company and explaining what happened. Although it is unlikely that they will waive the fees (assuming you used the utilities), they typically have plans that will allow you to pay the back bills over a few months, so that it won't break your budget.

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Answered on 1/28/09, 1:06 pm

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