Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Texas

I live in a 3 Phase condo community. Phases 2&3 are owned by one company who also controls 4 out of 5 Board seats. Unfortunately they've allowed our community to decline, have not retained our property values and have taken our reserve funds from $70,000+ to a more than $15,000 negative balance. They've also neglected to pay our community bills for more than 3 months now. Phase 1 is owned by individuals and we're looking to partition from Phases 2&3. We've elected a new Board for Phase 1 of our community of which I was voted President. The owner of those phases is in agreement with Partition and we're looking for a Partition Agreement which I've been unable to locate. Can you assist me with this.

Asked on 2/27/12, 8:35 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joseph A. McDermott, III Attorney at Law

You're looking at tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to do it right.

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Answered on 2/29/12, 2:24 pm

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