Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Texas
We purchased a home in 2004 in a subdivision in North Texas. the back of our property backed up to a little farm. A church purchased the farm and built a Walmart style church behind us. We just found out that the church is now going to build a dirt track and half pipe and a park between the church building and the back of our property. The town is telling us that they have no recourse and the church can do whatever they want to because they are a church. The issue I have (besides the monstrosity that is going to be built behind us) is that 2 of the town counsel members are also members of the heirarchy of the church. How do I go about finding out if we can stop this before it happens. Our property value has already decreased because of this church, if they build the new sports thing we might as well give up on ever selling our home to fund our retirement. Help!
1 Answer from Attorneys
possibly one could enjoin the building and sue for damages..but it takes considerable research and may be expensive..
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