Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Texas

sheriff's sale

once you've been served notice of a sheriff's sale on your property for back taxes how long do you have to pay the taxes in full to stop the sale? And if the county accepts to pmt after that time do they have to give the property back to the owner?

Asked on 5/16/09, 4:00 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: sheriff's sale

You didn't specify what kind of property this is. If it's real property, then you do have some time to reclaim it, though you'll pay a hefty premium to do so. The time depends on whether or not the property was homesteaded.

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Answered on 5/17/09, 11:34 pm
Cheryl Rivera Smith The Smith Law Firm

Re: sheriff's sale

Contact the trustee or tax office on the notice you were provided. You want to pay it off before it forecloses because the redemption fee is VERY expensive. You have a right to redeem the property for a period of time after the sale.

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Answered on 5/17/09, 12:01 pm

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