Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Texas
My daughter is 21 yrs. She is a teller at a well known bank. An officer at the bank has been saying vulger things for a couple of months. she has reported it, but asked nothing be said at the time for fear of it being awkward at work. She was told to not be available to this gentlemen, which only comes to her window. She did as was told for a couple of weeks. He came to her window and demanded she help him. He once again said something to her which made her feel very uncomfortable. She reported it and it was brought to the attention of the President of the bank. My daughter asked to talk to him and he said he was through with the situation once he repremanded the officer. He also told her that he would scold anyone who called human resources before it went through him. He said he has handled the situation, but the offending officer was a christian, upstanding citizen of the community. She was made to feel the quilty party and intimidated by this person. She is torn about whether she report to human resources because of this gentlemen's threats not to. I am not sure how to direct her. Co-workers are encourageing her to go further. Please advise on how to help her with this situation. Thank you, KT
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Harassment
She should not have to endure this kind of treatment and this man should be exposed for the person he truly is.
Please let me know if you have questions or if I can help further.
Hal D. Hale
Hale & Associates, P.C.
(713) 784-7700
Re: Harassment
It sounds like your daughter has a cause of action under Title VII and the corresponding state action under the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act, for a hostile work environment based on sex. If your daughter complains about the harassment and then is reprimanded, this could also be a cause of action (retaliation). These cases are very fact specific, so I cannot give you any more real guidance than that. I would need more information. I would be happy to advise you further. What was said by the officer? Was the officer an employee of the bank? How many employees does the bank have? Were there any witnesses to the comments? Did the officer deny the allegations? You may call me at 214 559-6173 or email me at with this info if you wish to have more feedback. I do not charge for consulatations.