Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas


My mother has passed,5 of her children were to recieve 6.000 each..

Her entombment was paid for in advance when my father passed,but the remaining expence was not..we contacted the insurance agent and all that was left was 5.000 ! the remaining 400.00 came out of pocket.

I was shocked at the amount that must have been withdrawn over the years.Can i as one of her children request the activity on that policy?See how much and when the withdraws occured?She had no will.

Asked on 2/11/07, 3:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter Bradie Bradie, Bradie & Bradie

Re: Annuity

If you are one of the named beneficiaries of the annuity, you are entitled to an accounting. Insurance passes by contract and not by will or inheritance.

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Answered on 2/11/07, 6:02 pm

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