Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas

What children are entitled to...

Is it mandatory that my husband leave anything to his daughter my step daughter? I am his second wife and he wants to leave everything to me. We receintly bought a house together and he is concerned that she will want a piece of it.

Asked on 5/24/07, 12:16 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kathryn Perales PMI Oil Tools

Re: What children are entitled to...

Your husband can leave his estate to anyone he wants. The only exception would be that regardless of what his will says, you as his wife will be entitled to 1/2 of the community estate. When someone leaves a child out of their will, it is a good idea to recite something about it briefly in the will, so that it is clear that the omission was intentional.

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Answered on 5/24/07, 9:11 am

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