Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas

This is a confusing situation and I don't know what to do about it!..

My father passed away 3 months ago without a will, and he was still actively working for the government by the time he died. Since he was an active worker, the government has split his salary between my mother, me and my granmother.

My father also has a debt in amounth of $500.000 for the house we bought. Now, I am wonedring, since my grandmother decided not to refuse having the part of the wage inherited from my father, does she also have to pay a part of

$500.000 debt that we got from my father.

P.S.: My family lives in Turkey, and all the story above happened in Turkey. However, since I am living in Texas, I'm planning go to court in Texas. Does it change anything? What would be the next step after I get the result from the court?

Thank you for the help!

Asked on 6/15/10, 4:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Cheryl Rivera Smith The Smith Law Firm

I doubt that a Texas court will hear your case. All of this falls under Turkish law and you should contact a Turkish lawyer.

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Answered on 6/16/10, 6:13 am

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