Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas


I was asked to be the executor in charge of a will. The person died I think without having signed the will. My children are not getting what was coming to them because the lliving wife of the person says that in Texas she gets everything anyway. How can we get what is suppose to be ours?

She is avoiding us hoping we will go away and my children deserve what was wished they would get.

Asked on 2/26/07, 3:48 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter Bradie Bradie, Bradie & Bradie

Re: dying/wills

An unsigned will is no will. Are your children his children?

If your children are his children, they are entitled to his half of the community estate on the date he died. You may need to get a lawyer and get his estate into probate under an Application To Determine Heirship.

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Answered on 2/26/07, 4:14 pm

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