Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas


My son who is turning 21 in May 2007. He lives in Plano, TX. My exwife moved my 32 sons thater about 8 years ago. my son got a large seltlement from a car accident in Ohio, 11 years ago. His money was disperced inot 4 payments from age 18-21. His mom was supposed to manage his funds. She took almost every sent $65,000 and then booted him into the street. He is now preparing for a church LDS mission. He has never been in trouble. I still live in Ohio. He gets his i final installment this month, and guess what? Mom wants him to move back home. He has takes Meds for Severe ADD, atention deficit disorder. By his medical records, I feel that he is not able own his own to make financial of that calibur. His mom has taken advantage of this, and is now planning to take his last $15,000. What Can I do to prove him incompitent and prove his mom took advantage of him. I want to make her accountable of this. I want to save his final$15grand for his future? His brother is 18 lives with mom in Texas and graduates in May 2007 Thanks again, so much!

Asked on 5/04/07, 2:23 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Edward DiCato Edward DiCato Attorney at Law

Re: incompitency

Contact the trustee that is making the payments and/or the Court that has jurisdiction of the settlement.

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Answered on 5/04/07, 3:51 am

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