Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas

Joint bank account benificiaries

3 names on the bank checking account as:

A or B or C. ''A'' is the user of the account the money is hers. She dies and leaves a will naming B and C as heirs.Are those bank funds to be added into the probate process? or can B and C access those funds immediatly?

Asked on 12/19/06, 6:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter Bradie Bradie, Bradie & Bradie

Re: Joint bank account benificiaries

The funds become part of the probate estate unless the signature card says JTWROS (joint with right of survivorship). If there are those survivorship rights, then B & C have immediate access. The value gets added into the estate.

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Answered on 12/19/06, 6:59 pm

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