Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas
Net Income from a Trust
I want to know how to go about finding more information about someone receiving ''net income from a trust''. This person has claimed no income (for child support issues)and will not hold steady employment. However, after reading a probabted will from a deceased parent, is said to be receiving ''net income from the trust at least annually''. The trust is approxiamtely $1million - so we know there has to be some sort of income coming in. How can I find out what is being recieved monthly/annually and where the money is being held? I was told we could put a lien on a bank account - any info on that as well would be helpful. Since this person has failed to disclose this to the court what information would be needed for the court (Hennepin County - MN court system)to further investigate, etc? Thank you for your help.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Net Income from a Trust
The services of a competent domestic relations lawyer will more than pay for themselves in this instance.
If "this person" is the father of your child and is not paying child support, a Petition to the Court with discovery requests for financial information will accomplish the desired result. Parents are required to report income from all sources in determining child support.
If this person is not the father of your child, then his financial affairs are none of your business and you can't get any information about them.
A father is responsible only to the mother of a minor child and the child for child support, not to anyone else.
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