Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas

Who is the primary heir?

Decedent makes a will leaving 90% of assets to spouse, with daughter as alternate heir if spouse dies first. Daughter dies 38 months b-4 decedent, but has one child. Spouse dies 30 months b-4 decedent. Decedent and spouse have one surviving child. Is decedent's will outdated and invalid? Who is the primary heir now since decedent's spouse and daughter died at least 30 months before before decedent?

Asked on 5/20/07, 10:13 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Kathryn Perales PMI Oil Tools

Re: Who is the primary heir?

I agree with Mr. Bradie's answer, with the following caveat: if there is extra language in the will, such as "to my wife, otherwise to my daughter if she survives me," instead of just "to my wife, otherwise to my daughter," the answer could change. In addition, if the surviving child of decedent and spouse was born after the will was signed, the answer may also change.

In order to give a definitive answer, rather that just a "probably" answer, an attorney would have to look at the will's wording carefully and know all the relevant dates, such as when the will was made and when the surviving child was born.

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Answered on 5/21/07, 9:43 am
Peter Bradie Bradie, Bradie & Bradie

Re: Who is the primary heir?

The will is still valid. If the surviving child was named in the will, then everything goes to the surviving grandchild.

If the surviving child was not named in the will, then that child is entitled to one half of the estate under the laws of descent and distribution. The child is treated as if there was no will.

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Answered on 5/20/07, 1:00 pm

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