Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas


Family members dies in 1994. Myself and another pain taxes to date in 2004. Will located in 2006, six persons listed to inherit 58 acres of land.I am entiled to 1/4 of mothers part. What is my responsibility to the others listed and when must I reveal will?

Asked on 3/30/07, 12:19 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: will

The statute of limitations states that a will must be probated within four years of the date of death. There is a potential exception if the propopent of the will wasn't in default. I'd recommend your speaking with an attorney to discuss all options. If this came across my desk, I would probably recommend coming to an agreement with all persons who wouldbe affected and see if they can agree how to split the remaining assets, and go from there.

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Answered on 3/31/07, 10:53 am
Keith Engelke Law Office of S. Keith Engelke

Re: will

You need to see an attorney to determine what your options are. Important issues are where did the person die, was any disposition of the estate made (affidavits of heirship, administration, etc.) and what happened to other six persons.

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Answered on 3/30/07, 9:10 am

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