Legal Question in Workers Comp in Texas

Workmans comp

In March Of '06 I injured my neck on the job. I just reciveed a letter stating that my claim was denied due to preexsting condition. That may be true I am not positive, but my neck was not hurting until i bumped my head on the door frame of the truck I was driving at the time. Was my clam truely denid or is my company just trying to get out of paying? Thank you for your time

Asked on 1/05/07, 3:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Donald McLeaish McLeaish&Associates;, P.C.

Re: Workmans comp

Common action of insurer...your head was hurt when you hit on the job and it hurt your neck...our firm handles work injuries...IF you need medical attention and replace lost us...

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Answered on 1/05/07, 3:20 pm

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