Legal Question in Family Law in United Kingdom
how can i get my exwife to sell our house
i have been divorced for just a year but seperated for 2 my exwife will not sell our house we have 1 son of 6 and she says because of our son ther is no law in the world to make her sell.she has everything i have nothing i am borrowin money to live she has job and brings home more money than me but is always pleding povorty.if she was to sell we would both be better off a i could then move on.she has changed the locks so cant even get into my own home.when i have asked her to sell she is very unreasonable and always says the same thing that she dose not have to sell because of our son surly this is not right that i have nothing and she has it all. i want my own house which we could both have if she would sell.because of our son is it true that i cant make her sell the house? i have seen losts of friends go through seperation with children involved and they always split eveything house and contents equily i dont understand please help
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: how can i get my exwife to sell our house
this is clearly a most unsatisfactory situation and an application must be made to the court in the divorce proceedings for an appropriate financial order which will deal with the ownership and occupation of the matrimonial home. On divorce it is the duty of the court to make a financial order which is fair to both parties in all the circumstances, and it is most unlikely you would be left with nothing. It will be necessary to ensure that your son has a roof over his head, but that is not to say that that must be the former matrimonial home.
It is likely that you will need further advice before deciding on your exact entitlement which we will be happy to provide under our free advice service.
Andrew Dutton
Legal Zone