Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Utah

Bankruptcy HELP!

This might be long, but please bear with me. Due to a failed business my wife and I filed Chapter 7 about a month ago. We just received a phone call from the Attorney today saying it is being reviewed by the State and they most likely are not letting us file due to the fact that I make too much. They are wanting more information such as; proof showing my dissolution from the business, that I purchase my own health insurance, more financial documentation and so on. Unfortunately 95% of our debt is tied into mortgages trying to salvage our business and to keep our heads above water.(Looking back now it was a very poor decision) It probably sounds bad, but I honestly should have filed 3 years ago, rather than living through this hell and trying to be honest and make things right. We had decided to surrender the home and by advice given have already moved into a rental home.

The attorney wants additional money due to this fact. My question is should I continue to pursue the chapter 7 and pay the attorney more or being my home mortgages are the majority of our debt and already in default and close to foreclosure. Should we just let the home go into foreclosure and lose the home and the debt? What would all happen if we did this

Asked on 10/22/04, 9:48 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: Bankruptcy HELP!

Your situation cannot be answered without a consultation and review of the facts of your case. This BB is for general questions. You should talk to another bankruptcy attorney to get answers.

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Answered on 10/22/04, 11:47 pm

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