Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Utah

Should I file BK

My husband and I recently moved from Las Vegas, Nevada to Salt Lake City, Utah. I was in real estate and my husband was a mortgage broker in Vegas and our income went from $150+ to zero overnight. We were both unemployed for approximately 7-9 months but we are both now working making approximately $70k + per year. We owned a house and a condominium, the house was foreclosed in December 2007 and the condo in May 2008, both properties were in my name and there are first and second mortgages on each. We have approximate $30k in credit card (we lived on our cc during our unemployment) and various other debts all are delinquent or in collections and all are in my name. We have loans on both our cars (which are current and are in both our names). My husband filed BK about 4 or 5 years ago but would BK be an option for me. I am frustrated with creditors calling and harassing me � we had a really rough time this last year. Thank you again for your assistance.

Asked on 5/29/08, 12:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: Should I file BK

Based on your statement, you are a candidate for bankruptcy.

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Answered on 5/29/08, 1:18 pm

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