Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Utah

A person bought a house from us on an informal assumption before we filed bankruptcy, which we told them was highly likely to happen. 1 year later we filed and the case has been discharged. This person is now calling us wanting us to sign a paper to allow our mortgage company to speak with him so he can try to get this house on a short sale, he also says we have to put the house up for sale before the mortgage company will speak with him when we don't even hold title to the house. He keeps calling a threatening us that he will sue us if we don't do this and that there is some law that says we should have notified him before we filed bankruptcy. He was named in the bankruptcy. Is what he is saying true? Should he legally even be calling us?

Asked on 8/25/09, 12:27 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

1. It is ok and the right thing to do to allow your buyer to talk to your mortgage company - even though you listed your mortgage in your bankruptcy. The mortgage company will want to deal with any prospective buyer. 2. It is not illegal for him to call.

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Answered on 8/30/09, 10:39 am

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