Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Utah


Ok, I got this collection notice in the mail it is for golds gym but was confused because they are taking automatic payments out of my husbands account so I called the collection agency to find out why they are trying to collect on something that is currently coming out of our account I got this lady on the phone that told me I was lying to her and they are not taking money out of the account ( I have proof) then I called back and talked to someone else that looked at my account and asked me if I have ever lived in Benjamin I told him no because I haven't, he directed me to the corp. office they directed me back to this guy, who in return told me I am a liar and now they are suing me I said why he said because I told him I never lived in Benjamin and he insisted that I have I totally acnowledge I owe golds gym but not a collection agency they are taking the money out of our account and now I am being threatened with being sued and my wages being garnished, in all I feel like I should be able to take some action against this agency I feel that I have been abused? what can I do?

Asked on 2/02/09, 8:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: collections

The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act is a federal law that regulates collection agencies. It sounds like the collection agency has violated that law. You are entitled to sue them for damages and your attorney fees. Call for a free consultation.

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Answered on 2/03/09, 10:16 am

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