Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
2****Need help finding past address to win my case.
previous question:::: I am currently contesting an adoption of my 2 children that my ex-g/f gave away without me knowing and I have to go back to court to have trial on sept lawyer said it would be--name removed--slamdunk case if i could find out all of her past addresses she has had to prove she was trying to keep me from my kids....does anyone know how i could possibly find that out? i was wondering if the child support people had--name removed--list of what addresses the payments went to but i am not sure if they would give them to me? this is the only piece of information that i need to get my kids back so if anyone has any information it would be greatly appreicitated.::::
I was wondering if i could possibly just ask for the addresses from the ORS...would they give them to me? i do not really have enough time to subpenoa the long does that take? but the main question is would they give them to me since it is my case?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: 2****Need help finding past address to win my case.
TALK TO YOUR LAWYER. Take her deposition or subpoena the necessary information. You have a lawyer, use the lawyer. If the lawyer is incompetent then get another one.