Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
back child support
While searching for a lawyer, I was told that my husband was not responsible for back child support since he left. It starts when I file. This does not seem fair since I did not know he was not coming back. I have had to borrow money from everyone I know to pay the rent and buy groceries. There has got to be something I can do.
Asked on 2/09/05, 3:14 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: back child support
Your husband can be held liable for marital debts, even after he left the familiy. Child support is technically a liability imposed by the court; but there are other liabilities, including marital debts (money you had to borrow, utilities, rent, debt payments) which he may be held responsible for even after he leaves. Call for a free consultation.
Answered on 2/09/05, 3:20 pm