Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
getting back home
I haved lived with my grand parents for the last two years. My mom was away. Well my mom came back and she made me go live with her in the state of Colorado. I really don't want to be here and want to go back and live with my grand parents. Thats fine with them but my mom thinks I need to be with her. If I talk her into letting me go back, is there anything else I can do? I am really frustrated about this and would like to go back. Any advice or guidance you could give would be greatly apreciated. Thanks so much.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: getting back home
You did not state your age nor whether legal custody has been changed. Normally a child is in the physical and legal custody of a parent. Sometimes temporary custody is give to a relative or other person when a need exists. If you have important reasons to live with your grandparents, you should first suggest to your mother than you and she engage in counseling. That way all of the issues should be able to be brought to the table, and both of you could be educated about what is in your best interests. Try that first.