Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Child custody
I have had physical custody of my neice for 11 years, since the state intervened and took her from my sister. At that time, my mother was granted legal custody of my 2 neices. She felt she would not be able to care for both of them, so I agreed to take the oldest who was 3 at the time. I already had a 4 year old daughter and a 1 year old son, so my neice fit in perfectly. After a few years, my sister got herself together and for 8 years has been married to a man who has custody of his 2 daughters--via abandonment--and they have a son together. In all the time I have enjoyed raising this child, I have done everything I possibly could so that my sister would have a good relationship with her. I have never been given any child support or help with dental/medical bills, school fees, sports, dance, etc...Well, now this lovely young lady is almost ready to get her learner's permit. I asked my Mother to transfer custody to allow me to put her on out car insurance, would be nice to have her on our dental and medical insurance too. My sister says she will now take me to court to prevent me from having legal custody of her daughter. The daughter has expressed to everyone that she wants to stay here. Can I do anything? Do I have rights?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child custody
You will have to go to court to get a court order allowing you to keep the child. Your mother apparently has the legal rights. The mother should not have any rights. You will probably need an attorney to assist you.