Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Child Visitation
If the mother lives in Utah with the children and the father lives in Evanston Wy. Do the standard minimum visitaion guidlines apply? Also, who's responsibility is it to cover drop-off and pick-up cost. It was the fathers decision to move out of state. I have been unable to locate the STANDARD OUT OF STATE VISITATION/PHYSICAL CUSTODY SCHEDULE .
Thank You
Asked on 8/21/08, 3:05 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Child Visitation
The parent which moves away is responsible for costs of transportation of the children. If the distance is greater than 150 miles, the parties can choose whether to use standard visitation or long distance,
UCA 30-3-37 is the long distance statute
Answered on 8/22/08, 1:19 pm