Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Children taken by ex
six or seven years ago my wife devorsed a mentally abusive man to escape him she moved out of state leaving the children with him. While she keeped in touch with the children through her parents her ex took them and disapeered two months later. His mother was not willing to help my wifes family find him and my wife and i would like to have the children in our lifes. if we find him and them what can we do to get visitation with the children?
Asked on 4/14/04, 10:02 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Children taken by ex
If you find the children, your wife may be able to be reunified with them and eventually gain normal visitation. You will have to file suit where the children now live and request visitation rights.
Answered on 4/15/04, 8:38 am