Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
I am moving out of state with my children. My son's dad and I were never married and never established any custody or child support or anything legal. He is now wanting to know what his rights are and mine in order for me to leave the state? How do we set up something legal that we can both agree on?
Asked on 4/11/05, 2:22 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Custody
Unless the birth father established his parental rights after the birth of the child, he has no rights. If you want to set up something, he will need to file an application to determine paternity, and be willing to set up child support. Paternity, child support and visitation rights all go together as a package.
Answered on 4/11/05, 3:48 pm