Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Defermation of Character
My husband has an ex-wife who has repeatedly tried to keep their child of 4 years old away from us. We believe she has severe attachement problems and she has been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. She has repeatedely called ''child abuse'' on my husband so that we cannot get her for our visitations. We are completely innocent and this is a serious issue. We have heard that we should sue for ''defermation of character'' (sp?). That we should not let this go because she will continually do this in order to keep her child away from us. What do you think the best avenue would be for us to take. Should we sue or let it go?
Thank you,
--name removed--Jensen
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Defermation of Character
Your husband should actively fight for his visitation rights and should file a motion to enforce his rights. Put the ex on defense, and make her prove her charges, if she can. If she is incompetent as a mother or if she presents a potential danger, then your husband has a moral duty to obtain custody of his daughter and raise her in a safe environment.