Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Determining factors for older children receiving child care
My girls are ages 11 and 12 and I have them in an after school program where they are picked up and taken to a facility where they go on field trips, learn to play instruments, etc. My ex husband does not think this is necessary as they are old enough to stay home alone. Is there a legal age in Utah for children to be allowed to stay home alone? Also, since it is an after school program he does not consider it child care and refuses to pay for half of it, using the argument that they are old enough to stay home alone. Please let me know if there is a legal age for them to stay home alone and if my ex can make the decision not to pay for the after school program since they are potentially old enough to stay home alone.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Determining factors for older children receiving child care
There is no "legal" age for a child to stay home alone. It usually depends on the maturity of the child. This is something you and your ex should negotiate. If there are sufficient funds available it would be in the childrens' best interest to not have to be alone. If you cannot reach an agreement, then a judge will make it for you.