Legal Question in Family Law in Utah

employment affecting the outcome of ....

This is my first marriage my soon to

ex-wifes second. I sold my business

just after our wedding to stay at home

with her two boys. Allowing her to be

the primary earner. Her finances were

shakey at first ( chapter 13 in our first

year ) causing me to sell much of my

assets to carry us along. We almost

lost her house in fact her father bought

it from the genttleman that bought it

at a forecloser auction. We paid her

father back the following year (house

paid for-in her name). Years go by

getting bad to worse. She gets paid by

the deal some lasting up to 24

months. She has a huge deal closing in

about 60 days. I believe this is adding

to her excellerating these actions. I'm

living in a hotel now for 2 mo. She is

demanding I get a job which Im in the

process of doing. I was told if I do get

a job right now it would affect any

settlement set in place and If I were

to wait it would be more benifical.

What is the truth and reasoning behind

this type of angle. Under normal

circumstances an issue? What about if

millions were at stake? (in real

property and future earnings) this

sucks - protecting myself from

someone I love and should trust.

Asked on 5/20/09, 8:34 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: employment affecting the outcome of ....

You are receiving information from a number of sources. You need to talk to an attorney and follow that attorney's advice. You may call for a free consultation.

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Answered on 5/21/09, 11:26 am
Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: employment affecting the outcome of ....

You are receiving information from a number of sources. You need to talk to an attorney and follow that attorney's advice. You may call for a free consultation.

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Answered on 5/21/09, 11:31 am

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