Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Harrasment from ex wife
My son is getting a divorce and has move home with us. His ex- calls at least 3 times aweek about everything but the minor child.She even calls when he is at work to have us tell him what she wants. Mainly to harrass about money. He has been paying 200 to 260 amonth since he left and has not been court ordered yet.Iam tired of her crap and want the phone calls to stop. I beleive she should be able to call about the minor child and nothing more so how do we stop this from happening. She has given our number to her freinds and lets just say her family is not the kind I want seeing were I live .For fear of being broke into so they can suport a bad habit. But she has brote them here also. She knows we dont want any of this going on but it still happens. We have raised or kids and played by the rules . Would like some end to the negativity this has brote to our home.Thank you for your time.
Sincerly Wendy
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Harrasment from ex wife
#1 Change your phone number.
#2 Have your son get a cell phone to talk to his wife.
#3 Be careful, she has your grand child.