Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Information on the Woodrow Act
I am looking for information regarding the law on 401K / retirement funds dispensed during a divorce. I believe it is part of the "Woodrow Act" and I would like to know where I can find information to read on this subject.
Asked on 4/20/00, 9:18 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Information on the Woodrow Act
Your question is rather vague, you did not indicate whether you are concerned about tax consequences, whether a 401(k) is marital property; or how a 401(k) is divided; or how the employer and IRS are notified; or any number of other questions. In general go to your local law library, most counties have a public law library, also the U of U and BYU have excellent law libraries.
You may want to email a more specific question.
Answered on 5/02/00, 10:45 am