Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
What is that military status paper required to sign in divorces?
My ex was in military during our marriage. At time of divorce he was ''IRR''. He signed the military paper during the divorce that he was not in the military. (divorce was final in Sept 07) Now he has announced that he has been recalled and will be going out of state for a year. and probably to Afghanistan as well. Did he misrepresent his status on the paper for the divorce? What is that paper for? How is it used? Does this change anything? Sounds like I need to adjust the decree for custoday, ch support, etc (I pay him ch support)
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: What is that military status paper required to sign in divorces?
The paper is so the court knows whether the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act applies, which give special provisions for military. It does not affect your divorce, since you are already done. The act prevents default from being entered against a serviceperson.