Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
i want to move out of state with my son who is not even 2 years old yet, i have never been married to his father and he asks once in a blue moon to see our son and thats only with the option he gets to see me also. he is on this whole if i cant have the mom i dont want the son. he sees him about once a month. none of this has gone to court yet but i am in the process of trying to get child support from him. i even have messages saved of him talking about killing himself so he is not a stable person at that. my question is do i need his permission to move out of state if my son has always been in my care or do i need to take it to court??
1 Answer from Attorneys
You don't need his permission. However, o would recommend that you continue your efforts to collect child support and am assuming you've contacted ORS to complete that process. That way, if you move to another state, they can coordinate with Utah's ORS in the ongoing collection of support.