Legal Question in Family Law in Utah

ordered to sell house

I made the winning offer on a house in a bidding ''war'', house is being sold by divorcing couple, husband has effectivley disappaered, so wife went to court to get authoity to sell house on her own. The real estate agent who represents us both, went to the court date, and told me that not only did the judge give her the authority, but ordered her to take the highest bid (mine). She did not show up later that day to sign the offer papers, and has not yet done so as of 4 days later. What recourse do I have as the potential buyer? Would there be a deadline for her to sign? I am very anxious to get the offer signed, and be finished with the waiting game.

Asked on 3/06/06, 10:36 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: ordered to sell house

You have few rights since you are not a party to the divorce. The seller is responsible to the court for selling the house, not to you. The seller generally has a reasonable amount of time to find a purchase, and is not obligated to take a bid without using a reasonable amount of time to sell the house for a market price.

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Answered on 3/06/06, 6:25 pm

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