Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
parental rights
I had a baby and her father wants nothing to do with her, which im fine with. He doesnt want to pay child support and he wants to sign his parental rights over, which would rather him do. How do we go about getting that done?
Asked on 3/08/09, 5:36 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: parental rights
If you named him on the birth certificate, he is father until proven different. He cannot sign over his rights until there is a new person to take his place. He is obligated to pay child support. You are entitled to the child support to help raise the child.
If you did not name him on the birth certificate, then the father is presumed unknown, and has no rights unless he asserts them - and is not required to pay child support.
Answered on 3/09/09, 12:11 pm