Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Pay off spouse equity
I am refinancing to pay off my ex his share of equity. Per decree i can deduct child support arrearages. Can i also deduct unpaid alimony and half the closing costs?
Asked on 6/30/05, 5:54 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Pay off spouse equity
Refi the house, deduct all of the expenses for the refi and pay him one half of the net amount left over. From his share deduct all of the child support and alimony and any 1/2 otherunpaid marital bills. Deduct another $100 and tell him it is for attorney fees and send to me. (wink)
Answered on 6/30/05, 10:24 am